Get items label in a Roto node

import os
import NatronEngine
from NatronGui import *

def getRotoItemsLabel():

  # get current Natron instance running in memory
  app = natron.getGuiInstance(0)

  # get selected nodes
  selectedNodes = app.getSelectedNodes()

  # cycle every selected node #
  for currentNode in selectedNodes:

    # get node class
    currentID = currentNode.getPluginID()

    # check if selected node(s) are of 'Roto' class
    if currentID == "fr.inria.built-in.Roto" or nodeID == "fr.inria.built-in.RotoPaint" :

      # get 'Roto' context
      rotoContext = currentNode.getRotoContext()

      # get 'Base layer' (root layer) in 'Roto' context
      baseLayer = rotoContext.getBaseLayer()

      # get all items in 'Base layer'
      allBaseLayerItems = baseLayer.getChildren()

      # cycle every item in 'Base layer'
      for item in allBaseLayerItems:

        # get current item label
        itemName = item.getLabel()

        os.write(1, '\n' + str(itemName) + '\n')

This script can now be saved in a .py file and added to Natron using the addMenuCommand(grouping,function) function in the file.

It can also be can executed directly in Natron’s script editor by adding:


at the end of the script.