

A small object representing a layer of an image. For example, the base image layer is the color layer, or sometimes called “RGBA”. Some other default layers include ForwardMotion, BackwardMotion, DisparityLeft,DisparityRight, etc… .

See detailed description…

Detailed Description

A Layer is constituted of a layer name and a set of channel names (also called components). You can get a sequence with all the channels in the layer with the function getComponentsNames(). For some default layers, the components may be represented by a prettier name for the end-user, such as DisparityLeft instead of XY. When the ImageLayer does not have a pretty name, its pretty name will just be a concatenation of all channel names in order.

There is one special layer in Natron: the color layer. It be represented as 3 different types: RGBA, RGB or Alpha. If the ImageLayer is a color layer, the method isColorPlane() will return True

Member functions description

NatronEngine.ImageLayer.ImageLayer(layerName, componentsPrettyName, componentsName)

Make a new image layer with the given layer name, optional components pretty name and the set of channels (also called components) in the layer.

Return type:bool

Returns True if this layer is a color layer, i.e: it is RGBA, RGB or alpha. The color layer is what is output by default by all nodes in Natron.

Return type:int

Returns the number of channels in this layer. Can be between 0 and 4 included.

Return type:str

Returns the layer name

Return type:Sequence

Returns a sequence with all channels in this layer in order

Return type:str

Returns the channels pretty name. E.g: DisparityLeft instead of XY

Return type:ImageLayer

Returns the default “none” layer

Return type:ImageLayer

Returns the default “RGBA” layer

Return type:ImageLayer

Returns the default “RGB” layer

Return type:ImageLayer

Returns the default “Alpha” layer

Return type:ImageLayer

Returns the default “Backward” layer

Return type:ImageLayer

Returns the default “Forward” layer

Return type:ImageLayer

Returns the default “DisparityLeft” layer

Return type:ImageLayer

Returns the default “DisparityRight” layer