ContactSheet node

This documentation is for version 1.0 of ContactSheet (net.sf.openfx.ContactSheetOFX).


Make a contact sheet from several inputs or frames.


Input Description Optional
0   Yes
1   Yes
2   Yes
3   Yes


Parameter / script name Type Default Function
Resolution / resolution Integer x: 3072 y: 2048 Resolution of the output image, in pixels.
Rows/Columns / rowsColumns Integer x: 3 y: 4 How many rows and columns in the grid where the input images or frames are arranged.
Gap / gap Integer 0 Gap in pixels around each input or frame.
Center / center Boolean Off Center each input/frame within its cell.
Row Order / rowOrder Choice BottomTop
How image rows are populated.
TopBottom (topbottom): From top to bottom row.
BottomTop (bottomtop): From bottom to top row.
Column Order / colOrder Choice LeftRight
How image columns are populated.
LeftRight: From left to right column.
RightLeft: From right to left column.
Frame Range / frameRange Integer x: 0 y: 0 Frames that are taken from each input. For example, if there are 4 inputs, ‘frameRange’ is 0-1, and ‘absolute’ is not checked, the current frame and the next frame is taken from each input, and the contact sheet will contain 8 frames in total.
Absolute / frameRangeAbsolute Boolean Off If checked, the ‘frameRange’ parameter contains absolute frame numbers.
Enable Selection / selection Boolean Off If checked, the mouse can be used to select an input or frame, and ‘selectionInput’ and ‘selectionFrame’ are set to the selected frame. At at least one keyframe to ‘selectionInput’ and ‘selectionFrame’ to enable time-varying selection.
Selection Input / selectionInput Integer 0 The selected input. Can be used as the ‘which’ parameter of a Switch effect. At at least one keyframe to this parameter to enable time-varying selection.
Selection Frame / selectionFrame Integer 0 The selected frame (if frameRangeAbsolute is checked, this is an absolute frame number). Can be used as the ‘firstFrame’ parameter of a FrameHold effect. At at least one keyframe to this parameter to enable time-varying selection.
HiDPI / hidpi Boolean Off Should be checked when the display area is High-DPI (a.k.a Retina). Draws OpenGL overlays twice larger.