Text node


This documentation is for version 6.13 of Text (net.fxarena.openfx.Text).


Advanced text generator node using Pango and Cairo.


Input Description Optional
Source   Yes


Parameter / script name Type Default Function
Rotate / rotate Double 0 Rotation angle in degrees around the Center. Can also be adjusted by clicking and dragging the rotation bar in the Viewer.
Scale / scale Double x: 1 y: 1 Scale factor along the x and y axes. Can also be adjusted by clicking and dragging the outer circle or the diameter handles in the Viewer.
Uniform / uniform Boolean Off Use the X scale for both directions
Skew X / skewX Double 0 Skew along the x axis. Can also be adjusted by clicking and dragging the skew bar in the Viewer.
Skew Y / skewY Double 0 Skew along the y axis.
Skew Order / skewOrder Choice XY
The order in which skew transforms are applied: X then Y, or Y then X.
Amount / transformAmount Double 1 Amount of transform to apply. 0 means the transform is identity, 1 means to apply the full transform.
Center / center Double x: 0.5 y: 0.5 Center of rotation and scale.
Reset Center / resetCenter Button   Reset the position of the center to the center of the input region of definition
Interactive Update / interactive Boolean On If checked, update the parameter values during interaction with the image viewer, else update the values when pen is released.
HiDPI / hidpi Boolean Off Should be checked when the display area is High-DPI (a.k.a Retina). Draws OpenGL overlays twice larger.
Transform / transform Boolean On Use transform overlay for text position.
Auto size / autoSize Boolean Off Set canvas sized based on text. This will disable word wrap, custom canvas size and circle effect. Transform functions should also not be used in combination with this feature.
Center Interact / centerInteract Boolean Off Center the text in the interact.
Canvas size / canvas Integer x: 0 y: 0 Set canvas size, default (0) is project format. Disabled if auto size is active.
Markup / markup Boolean Off Pango Text Attribute Markup Language, https://developer.gnome.org/pango/stable/PangoMarkupFormat.html . Colors don’t work if Circle/Arc effect is used.
Text File / file N/A   Use text from filename.
Subtitle File / subtitle N/A   Load and animate a subtitle file (SRT).
Frame Rate / fps Double 24 The frame rate of the project, for use with subtitles.
Text / text String Enter text The text that will be drawn.
Justify / justify Boolean Off Text justify.
Wrap / wrap Choice None
Word wrap. Disabled if auto size and/or custom position is enabled.
Horizontal align / align Choice Left
Horizontal text align. Custom position and auto size must be disabled and word wrap must be enabled (any option except none) to get anything else than left align.
Vertical align / valign Choice Top
Vertical text align. Disabled if custom position and/or auto size is enabled.
Select font / name Choice  
Select font family to be used.

This parameter is only used to set font family in the ‘font’ parameter. This parameter does not support animation, use the ‘font’ parameter for animation.
Custom font(s) / custom N/A  
Add custom font(s) to the font list. This can be a font file or a directory with fonts.

If you want a portable project copy all used fonts to [Project]/fonts (or similar) and reference them here.
Font family / font String Arial
The name of the font to be used.

This parameter can also be used to animate the font family.
Font size / size Integer 64 The height of the characters to render in pixels. Should not be used for animation, see the scale param.
Font color / color Color r: 1 g: 1 b: 1 a: 1 The fill color of the text to render.
Background Color / backgroundColor Color r: 0 g: 0 b: 0 a: 0 The fill color of the background.
Letter spacing / letterSpace Integer 0 Spacing between letters. Disabled if markup is used.
Hint style / hintStyle Choice Default
This controls whether to fit font outlines to the pixel grid, and if so, whether to optimize for fidelity or contrast.
Hint metrics / hintMetrics Choice Default
This controls whether metrics are quantized to integer values in device units.
Antialiasing / antialiasing Choice Default
This specifies the type of antialiasing to do when rendering text.
Subpixel / subpixel Choice Default
The subpixel order specifies the order of color elements within each pixel on the dets the antialiasing mode for the fontisplay device when rendering with an antialiasing mode.
Style / style Choice Normal
Font style.
Weight / weight Choice Normal
The weight field specifies how bold or light the font should be.
Ultra light
Semi light
Semi bold
Ultra bold
Ultra heavy
Stretch / stretch Choice Normal
Width of the font relative to other designs within a family.
Ultra condensed
Extra condensed
Semi condensed
Semi expanded
Extra expanded
Ultra expanded
Stroke size / strokeSize Double 0 Stroke size.
Stroke color / strokeColor Color r: 1 g: 0 b: 0 a: 1 The fill color of the stroke to render.
Stroke dash length / strokeDash Integer 0 The length of the dashes.
Stroke dash pattern / strokeDashPattern Double x: 1 y: 0 z: 0 An array specifying alternate lengths of on and off stroke portions.
Circle radius / circleRadius Double 0 Circle radius. Effect only works if auto size is disabled.
Circle Words / circleWords Integer 10 X times text in circle.
Arc Radius / arcRadius Double 100 Arc path radius (size of the path). The Arc effect is an experimental feature. Effect only works if auto size is disabled.
Arc Angle / arcAngle Double 0 Arc Angle, set to 360 for a full circle. The Arc effect is an experimental feature. Effect only works if auto size is disabled.
Scroll X / scrollX Double 0 Scroll canvas X. Only works if Transform, AutoSize, Circle and Arc is disabled/not used.
Scroll Y / scrollY Double 0 Scroll canvas Y. Only works if Transform, AutoSize, Circle and Arc is disabled/not used.
Frame Range / frameRange Integer min: 1 max: 1 Time domain.